The guide to what makes the games suck
A small list of things that might make you annoying and unwanted (not to say that I'm not annoying quite a lot of times!).
- Lazy, unaware newcomers
- Obnoxious mid-skill kids
- Excusers
- Messiahs
- "You must react the same way as I do"
- "Hey, I am new and I made a new clan"
- "Hey, I am new and my clan will never die"
- "I mean no harm, but I will still offend you"
- "You must share because this is an open-source game"
- Freedom-of-speech / "I have rights" / nazi-accusers
- "We are doing it because that is what the people want"
Lazy, unaware newcomers
It annoys me when newcomers, who don't even know the game and its community in detail begin to give suggestions and voice their opinions, which may be open for flamewars and big disagreements. When you are new, spend some time getting into the game and getting to know how things are happening. There is no point in giving your suggestions to make the game like any other game that exists out there. It's stupid and arrogant, especially that it is obvious that these things have been considered before, and even more arrogant when you have put nothing in!
As a matter of fact, something more ambiguous is annoying too:
AC/Sauer needs new <media (maps/videos/textures/weapons/sounds)>. <some stupid comment here>. The developers should implement something. The game needs more promotional material. It needs more players.
AC/Sauer needs new weapons. They are getting boring.
What is the problem? Sure, very good suggestions are on your way when you press the 'Post comment' button.
There is one big problem. Okay... so if you are giving those suggestions, you really want to them to happen, if you're going to stick around the game for longer? So why not do these things yourself? Ah, you can't do it! Well, why not? Surely those things are all do-able with some effort. But you don't want to put any effort in. So why should your suggestion be even considered if you're not willing to put anything in?
'New weapons' examples: New Weaponry possibly? (1st day on the forum), Would like to see some weapon reskins, is it possible? (1 month), More suggestions for v1.0 (aka. let's make this game into CS - 1 month on the forum), ideas for ac 1.1 (CS! - 5 days)
Good example: you are suggesting them to make a new video. Well, do they have the time? Do they have the video editing experience? Maybe it is you who should do it instead! You have the time to make suggestions, so why not make use of it and put something in yourself? To make a new video, you need screencasting software, some music and some video editing software. They are time consuming to make, but the end result will be a good contribution
What about a lack of players? Well, how about you spread the message on a small forum or something? Maybe give your friend a link? Don't complain that the game has not enough people when you are not doing anything, PLEASE!
Obnoxious mid-skill kids
feel free to laugh at this Guy xD
It is a sad day in the life of assaultcube when clans like this form....
Feel free to abuse Sh!3ld<screenshot of his clan owning a completely new clan at 20-0>
However, makkE's finishing post says what I want to say, too:
Everyone has to start somewhere. As long as they didn't rage, where is the problem. They rather deserve a medal for losing with honour and not complaining. (I say IF it was that way.)
Instead of pointing a finger at them and laugh, how about you showed them some tricks or gave them some tips afterwards ?
I will close this, it's disrespectful, and not sportsman like.
Sorry, sMp, not every clan is like NR I hope.
Lag complainers
I have had this a lot, and it's almost been breaking my nerves.
pro gibbed noob noob: lag noob fragged pro pro: lag .... noob: lag noob: lag
Oh, come on!? How long are you going to say it?! Why make excuses? Are you really a better player without "lag", if it is indeed lag that is causing you to die? There are a few things to say why you should not say it anyway:
- The most common thing that happens really is that you get a player who is a sore loser. If someone makes an awesome gib, the excuse will be lag. Well, don't do that excuse! It's your own fault for getting killed after all!
- Quite often, the server is lagging too, as are the players. Well, when a lag-gib is made, it is very much an obvious thing to everyone who is playing that it lagged. There is no reason to give an excuse, since everyone knows what really happened!
It is disrespectful to the person who made the kill! You are telling them that their kill really did not count! Well, if most of the kills made don't even count, why even bother playing the game?
"2v1" (in a 3v3 game)
Oh come on, how fucking stupid can it get? It is a game and you have to use damn tactics to know how to play well! Such a lame excuse only shows that you think that it was unfair and is really offending! It is your own fault that you didn't go with a teammate in the first place, not some sort of a great excuse to excuse you from dying and discredit the enemy's win!
"You would've lost if you didn't use the Assault Rifle to sprint!"
What a pathetic excuse! It is a game, and you compete with whatever you can! There is only a good sportsmanship etiquette to be followed, something that one should understand - nothing like clear and set out rules to follow you aroun, so why once again discredit your enemy's ability? Be a sportsman! Show a good example! It is not a cheat, but it is a feature that you can sprint. There's nothing unfair about that. If you can't catch up to your enemy, or kill them quickly enough - tough! It's your own fault!
"?", "kkk"
Why do that? It's annoying and disrespectful. As if you didn't get killed...
Oh, come on, you got killed, do you even need to question that? It's not like your enemy is cheating. Disrespectful AGAIN!
"You must react the same way as I do"
So the TyD forum got hacked a while back. Some KH were the people to make fun of it (and their forum went off-line previously, but for different reasons).
I also seem to remember KH forums getting hacked awhile back. Course now i forget the big uproar it caused... but GOD FORBID that TyD forums get hacked!!
kh has put up with more shit than our forums being down for two hours. so i don't see where you (bucks) get off telling us we need to learn some respect.
So?? Everybody has different values. Your values obviously are lower than that of admins who spend more of their time doing other stuff than just playing. Inexcusable!
"Hey, I am new and I made a new clan"
First, make your clan live.
"It'll be dead in a week"
Thanks for motivating the newcomers...
"Hey, I am new and my clan will never die"
Yeah... as above...
I've seen many clans like that, and they died out pretty quickly...
"I mean no harm, but I will still offend you"
I would really appreciate a more ponderate answer. And a less aggressive one too. My position is totally pacific. I'm just trying to help in a positive atptitude toward a lot of people who were left "on the street". And even toward you. And I AM NOT "one of the reasons why you're fed up with AC's community". Not really.
-- Ketar, The Courtyard, the Ball and other stories (open letter to Apollo and Clown)
"You must share because this is an open-source game"
And since I thought you were working in a open source world I thought you were basing your work on that philosophy: sharing. And usually it's not that one shares his creativity and then suddenly decide to take it all back. Usually... Otherwise why creating this all? To destroy it? Why you do not leave your heritage? Can you understand the difference beetwen these two opposite behaviours and the benefits that could come to you from a not-vindctive position?
No, it is not! The only really free bit about it is the source. Not the media. Not the mods. Not ladders.
I have to say that it is an individual's work and time spent on making such things happen. And time, well, it cannot really be shared. In the end, our time is very limited and we try to make the best use of it, although some people certainly don't know how to. Nobody owes anything to you, really.
Freedom-of-speech / "I have rights" / nazi-accusers
We have the right to do whatever we want in the game. You cannot prohibit us from accessing your servers and saying whatever we want! You are a damn nazi for banning me from xxx!
You got banned from a server. Maybe you then got banned from a forum. Big deal! The internet may be a place of free speech, but it doesn't neglect consequences to what is said. Forums are private property - admins may remove what you say whenever they like, whether you like it or not. You should consider everything that is available to you for free a privilege, not a right!
"We are doing it because that is what the people want"
the official map servers are rarely used, and the dust servers are used. a waste? DEARY ME! if you want to go onto all the servers and tell them to play official maps in the smallest hope of getting some people to give it a try, go ahead. but the people want dust, they get dust.
The famous Getty's (and his clones') quote. There is a long history of this argument being used by Getty, which is, as a matter of fact, a complete fallacy: when you force something down a person's throat, they can't really say whether they like something or not! Just search the AC forums for more!