Don't play ping-pong when asking questions
See the difference:<A> B * hour later * <A> are you there, B? * hours later * <B> yes * hours later <A> can I ask you a question? * hours later * <B> go ahead * hours later * <A> <question> * hours later * <B> <answer>
<A> hi, B. I have a question: <question> * hours later * <B> <answer>
Note how many "* hours later *" there are in the first, compared to the second case. Also, don't forget how to ask questions the smart way.
I'll simply not answer you in the former case.
Edit: stfu noob... let me to write a little more:
You think you are pissed off? What happens if you get a bunch of queries at roughly this level at least once an hour every day?
<noob> boon?
<noob> hi, got a min?
(how do I know?)
<boon> r u there?
(wait and find out)
<boon> ive got a problem
(you certainly do)
<oobn> can i ask a stupid question?
(you just did)
<bono> my friend is blacklisted
(I'm not telepathic)
Also, communicating with a proxy just adds more problems...
Posted on Thursday, 4th February 2010 by Drakas