Want to talk to us? Or have a game? Visit our Discord Server. Discord is our main hub of communication, and we don't usually use any other protocols apart from e-mail to communicate between ourselves. We choose to not have a forum.
To use Discord, click the link at the top right corner of the page. Don't forget, Don't play ping-pong when asking questions.
- 1. Use of correct language
- Many people in woop are still learning English. Use correct grammar, don't use AOLbonics ('u', 'r'). Don't wreck it for them - rather, expose them to the beauty of English! Abbreviations are encouraged - 'lol', 'bbl', 'brb', 'afk' - since they put separate words together.
- 2. Etiquette of behaviour
- We will not tolerate discrimination and prejudice. If you don't like a woopie then don't say it here. Don't be an ass!
- 3. Appropriate topics
- Woop aims to be a family channel. Anything that is not suitable for under-18s must go elsewhere. Pornography must not be discussed. However, discussions about copyright infringement are allowed - but specific file sharing through the channel is not.
- 4. Use of IRC
- Flooding, spamming, trolling, flaming is not allowed. Flooding does include the 'too-often' use of the Enter/Return key - try to write longer lines instead of short lines. Auto-away messages are forbidden - anyone who cares will check /whois or highlight your nick.
- 5. Need help?
- Check out before asking a question. That means you don't ask to ask - just ask. Give as much information as possible. Ask smart to get a smart answer!
- 6. Be resourceful
- When discussing things, or helping out, keep in mind the availability of Google, Wikipedia and software manuals.
- 7. Operators' rights
- Operators reserve the right to kick (temporarily remove) or kickban (prevent you from coming back) for breaking any of these rules.
- 8. Logging
- Public logging is not permitted.
- 9. English only!
- What it says.
- 10. Woop Kings
- Don't question the authority.