Fest update!
The Australian and European AssaultCube fests have gone by. American is the one coming next. Our server will be wotan.woop.us, so be ready :P
We will publish all screenshots and demos after the games. If anyone has any demos they would like to send to me - please don't hesitate.
Tomorrow we are going to work on the Sauerbraten fragfests which are hopefully going to fill up our servers to their maximum. Sauerbraten servers:
- AssaultCube America
- wotan.woop.us
- Australia
- mokoi.woop.us and bunyip.woop.us - try BOTH even if one of them may have players in.
- Europe
- wotan.woop.us and mars.woop.us
- America
- wotan.woop.us and mars.woop.us
If you are unsure about the times, check the fest page and use the time converter that is available there. Teamspeak is available as always - ts.woop.us:8823 . Come to our IRC channel if you can - will make all communication so much easier :) Have fun!
Posted on Saturday, 20th October 2007 by Drakas