AssaultCube World Cup 2015
Now that the Assaultcube World Cup 2015 edition is over, w00p clan would like to congratulate FRANCE (Fra|) for winning the arguably most competitive AC tournament. The Fra/woop line up won against countries such as Brazil, USA, and Netherlands to make their way to the finals. Woopies faced UK in the finals and managed to bring gold back home for the 3rd time.

We would like to highlight the outstanding performance of our woopies during this tournament: Honor, Redbull, Harrek, Sanzo and ech0 getting first place. Newbie and Horus, part of the German team, were unluckily knocked out by the surprising other French team during quarter finals.
By securing first place and keeping a high skill level during the whole event, woopies secured a good amount of community voted awards !

Harrek, Honor & Redbull also made it into the ACWC Community Team of this year!
Overall, w00p clan and its members would like to thanks the acwc staff in its whole for leading a successful World cup, once again. See you next year !
Posted on Thursday, 13th August 2015 by Sanzo