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News update

Some news for you guys out there:

  • Woop in PSL:
    1. tenshi defended his FFA title against Majikal.
    2. Majikal qualified for FFA of next month.
    3. tenshi, Majikal, sexy1 (sp4nk) and Drakas defended their title against QuickSilver clan in CTF, who unfortunately had to use two reserve players.
    4. Majikal took the insta title from Honzik1.
    5. ... and that makes 5/5 PSL titles held by Woop teams.
  • Woop is in the AC Cup final, against A&D nade bait team (who won against the BC team in the semi-final), game taking place this Saturday.
  • ## CTF ## server has been added to the TyD AC Ladder.
  • Team ~H4X~ made a strong appearance in two qualifier games but didn't make it through.
  • Welcome the new Woop members!

-- Drakas

Posted on Monday, 23rd February 2009 by Drakas
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