Fragfest summaries
The Fragfest in AC and Sauer was a success.
The turnout in Sauer was lower than expected, presumably due to the fact that little time was spent on advertising. The EU fest was large with }TC{beast winning the efficiency game, the AM fest was of average size but with more of a community feel - w00p|Drakas won this one. The OC fest was a nice bunch of fun, mainly with clanplayers - w00p|Drakas winning this one.
In AC, we had about 60 people playing at a single time in the EU fest, which was a bit of a mess to manage. The AM fest went very nicely after the lesson of management. The OC fest was really fun, and was finally the time that I could sit down and have a proper game myself :)
Screenshots and demos (!) will be uploaded as soon as I find the time to make a gallery script and tag everything to make it more accessible. There's about 200MB of data.
Mumble & radio
Now this was the main bit of fun, IMO. We were able to make it so we can stream mumble conversations into an internet stream.
The starting EU and AM games were great with quite a few people, and turned out to be funny to play on. We had Beast, Unlix, kitty, Drakas, LiFe, Sanzo, ech0, doctor, Finn and lots more people mumbling in those two fests. Others were just silently idling in Mumble, not saying a word ^.^'
But the OC-AC fest was perhaps the most memorable... ever! We had Syntax, Dreamer (♥), Shorty, Takkunnen, LiFe, Rhubarb, Drakas and a few other people playing in AssaultCube and Mumbling at the same time. It was simply hillarious. Dreamer thought of making use of voicecom to say 'Nice shot' at once at certain times, as well as "I'm coming in with the flag!" when in a DM game. Quite a few people managed to crash because of this. Towards the end, we had a Mumble vs. all game, such that we could come up with funny things to do. We renamed ourselves to |MuM|, but in the end, everyone just copied us without understanding why we used the tag in the first place... There also were a lot of "That's what she said" jokes, so we certainly were not kept unentertained for the duration of the fest. Unbelievable. Thank you so much!
A very big thank you for participating, and I hope to see you this New Year! :)
Posted on Monday, 26th October 2009 by Drakas