Friday's fun 2
Seven hours of fun - Mad!
Public, nothing special
Sick ratio, Harps!
First time I've done so well in CTF.
Harps slapped me.
Lovely TOSOK.
Public ownage.
Nice game!
Another nice game!
Meatpie scored right in the end, and it was excellent!
TDM Complex, all fun!
TOSOK games.
Ouch. ;-)
Eat my ratio. :*~
Good game.
DM, owned. Another DM, forgot to take a screen - lost.
OSOK, lost. :(
YaYa. :D
More fun! It was a tie, LOOOOL!
Getting angry.
Drakas decided to.... camp.
Very close game!
Sick! Good games! :-D
Nice TDM game.
Nice game.
Yes, yes!
Posted on Saturday, 2nd August 2008 by Drakas